Here is my point: I believe most people who live in the US are able to think for themselves, concerned about politics and concerned about world affairs (albeit with a bias toward world affairs that affect the US).

Many (not most) with a considerable bias toward that, in some cases overtly so.

Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not drawing the conclusion that Americans are better or worse than anyone else in particular; I don't know. I'm just telling you what I see.


You say you are ashamed to be an American. I am proud to be an American because of that non-vocal majority of sane, level-headed people that to many people's eyes are invisible. I see those people more often in my town than right or left wing wackos.

Try working at a college, in a neighborhood with another college nearby. All sorts of nuts, on all sides of the issues. Maybe I *am* jaded, but I didn't get this way because I was bored.