Nice pages!
My direct boss is our company's CTO, and he LOVES to string together "industry words" and really means something with them. It's kind of funny at times, but he does listen when I have something to say and respects my opinions about how to get "real work" done. You have to give him credit for that, because most of these types (in my experience at least) get in the way more than they enable things.
But one experience stands out in my mind that I have to share. We were dealing with a client whose IT department was an absolute mess. They weren't doing ANYTHING right. To say they needed to put some processes in place is a major understatement. Anyway, we were tasked with fixing the problems and he woke up early in the morning and recorded a bunch of his ideas on an audio device. Later he met with us and played them back for discussion. Most of the things he said were meaningful, if using excessive verbage and acronyms. We discussed each statement in turn and then brought up some real-world ways of dealing with the situation using his ideas, and this was fairly productive. About the last recording he had was about 15 mish mashed words of I don't know what like: introduce TQM to create synergistic processes to supplement the growing . . ." When the tape finished he just kind of looked at us blankly, paused, and said "Ok, what in the world did that mean?" At least he can admit it when he's talking nonsense!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.