Or is he really insinuating someone should assasinate Dubya if he wins the next election?
I don't know. Sounds that way, doesn't it? Of course, I, too, would really, really, really like the bad dream of GWB to magically disappear, so the occasional daydream about a fatal pretzel episode does not distress me in the least. But would I say that assassination is a good idea? No. Not a step forward in the march to a more perfect democracy, is it? Besides, there's Cheney
I think assassination is really reserved for the scriptwriters of Terminator 9, wherein the GOP of 2063 send an Ollie North liquid metal robot back to the Palm Beach County of late October 2000 to mow down "likely-voter" retirees.
I pretty much agree with every other sentence in that Guardian article. While I am going to guess that he is being hyperbolic, I do wish he could have devised some other closer, but, given the Manchurian Candidate nature of the current circumstance, I am not quite sure what that would be.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.