It's hard to believe that they don't have something up their sleeve. Karl Rove is an absolute genius when it comes to campaigning. Dubya is Karl's Frankenstein, and to think that the Bush campaign is going to sit idly by while the race is this close seems very out of character. The spread is way too thin for their liking, especially with Democrat new registrations far outpacing Republican new registrations, and especially given the fact that undecideds always break away from the incumbent.

So with that, Rove has to be looking at the polls right now and realizes that, while Bush has a mathematical lead in the polls, the real situation is very grim for a sitting President who's misfired a lot recently. Just yesterday, the Pentagon worked feverishly to release photos showing that the Al'QaQaa explosives depot was vacated long before the war, and within minutes, there's video on TV showing Americans walking right into the exact same depot, breaking an IAEA seal, and sifting through the explosives that the Pentagon is saying weren't there in April. With all this happening, the Republicans have to have *something* ready to drop to sway things in their favor.

That being said, I don't think that "something" would be an Osama bin Laden capture. That's too transparent. Rove and his cohorts are much more shrewd and cunning than that. I don't know what it is, but I'd imagine we'll have some salvos fired this weekend.
- Tony C
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