Cronkite has himself admitted his bias... if you want I can Google one of his many quotes.

Oh wait, here is one of them: "Everybody knows that there's a liberal, that there's a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents."

Off the top of my head, Cronkite has opposed the Iraq war because it was a military action by the US without UN approval, but never once criticized Clinton's actions in Yugoslavia (without UN approval or even Congressional approval). Yugoslavia posed no thread to the USA. He also raised no concerns over France conducting action in the Ivory Coast without UN approval. Link.

Edit: Oh, oh, I am slowly realizing that maybe you are saying that Walter is a *liberal* and that what he has to say does not agree with your views.

Your missing the point of journalism. The journalists views are not supposed to enter into the coverage or the story itself. If Tim Russert is a Democrat, that's fine, who cares. His or any journalists views should not be a factor. But, if by watching a particular journalists show reveals that person's personal views, than that person is not being a good journalist because they are letting their bias enter into it. You tend to agree with the bias so you just think it's "true".

He is the Godfather because he handed the duties over to Dan Rather.
Brad B.