Welcome to the community!
As Cushman said, go ahead and install the 2.00final version of the software (not the beta). Some of us had a discussion a while back, and other than download size, we can't really think of any reason to not install the developer version. Not only will it let you install some 3rd party software, it helps in trouble shooting and you'll need the developer if you ever plan on upgrading those drives of yours.
I don't think the Filner lenses are anti-reflective, but to be honest, I don't really care for the anti-reflective lenes. They tend to make text "blurry" and hard to read. You can send Filner a JPG or GIF image of a Jeep logo and they can laser etch the logo on your lens too! (I have several very cool Subaru ones.)
I recommend only buying the capacity that you need now. It will take you months to rip your CDs (if you are really looking at 120 or 160GB). In that time, drive prices will drop and capacities will grow. It also works as a way to keep your drives new and fresh!
EDIT: Oh yeah... I recommend getting ethernet working on your player as soon as possible. Also, make sure you have Hijack installed. Once you do both of those, you can start using Jemplode. Jemplode will let you do all of the things that emplode does, but you also get to update your boot logos (both static and animated ones), upgrade you Hijack version via ethernet, copy music between two empegs, build "soup" playlists and it's also faster than emplode.