It's pasrt of those checks and balances.
Yeah, but you think they could have come up with some more civilized way of accomplishing the same thing.

I suppose this practice just seems grating to me because the one personality I can't stand to work with is the person who just tries to delay progress. I don't mind working with someone who has different ideas, and while there are times I have to give in and do something another person's way, I never try to be a wrench in the machine and bring things to a grinding halt, no matter how bad an idea I think something is.

At work I have a reputation as being someone who's willing to work with others and a solid team player. However, this perception comes crashing down whenever I have to work with individuals who are willing to bring the whole project to a halt just because they don't get their way. Other people in the company are able to deal with these individuals and work with (around actually) them, but I get so furious I become a liability in these situations: it's a personality weakness and something I'm working on. But I think I'd just implode if I had to sit through a fillibuster.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.