I suppose this practice just seems grating to me because the one personality I can't stand to work with is the person who just tries to delay progress. I don't mind working with someone who has different ideas, and while there are times I have to give in and do something another person's way, I never try to be a wrench in the machine and bring things to a grinding halt, no matter how bad an idea I think something is.

Well, at this point I've gotten tired of the stupid decisions which lead to inferior "solutions" we get to deal with for years, so if I can't put them on course I record my objections (I'm a prick, remember. "I told you so" is very definitely part of my lexicon) and then I walk away. Do what you're doing, but leave me out of it. Need my help? Do it right, or I'm going on vacation.


At work I have a reputation as being someone who's willing to work with others and a solid team player.

I have a reputation as hard to work with. Of course, the amusing thing is that several new hires have heard that and don't see a justification for it. None of them have tried pushing double signon, or told me they needed one thing and then complained after I implemented it that secretly they meant something else.
As to being hard to work with, well, after you have to live with enough of those aforementioned bad decisions, eventually it's a drag. How many pieces of mail server software are there? So why, when you evaluate them, would you pick the one that I told you "I've run it for years, the user experience is unpleasant, pick anything but that", and then fail to aadmit defeat when you find that the user experience is horrible?