To be clear, it's not really reliability things. It's DOA type stuff, like my vibrating shifter, a squeaky seat belt, a won't-unlock (probably just improperly installed) seat belt, a loose rod or something in the ceiling that caused a buzz, a leaky power steering pump, etc. None of it has had anything to do with the engine, suspension, or chassis. Actually, there has been one recall, which was just an improperly torqued nut in the steering linkage, IIRC.
On the other hand, it has been to the shop more times than I'd like. But the alternative is an Oriental or American car, and, honestly, every one of those I've been in lately just feels cheap, including the supposed luxury ones. (I really need to take a picture of my Mom's Lexus's dash to point out all the terrible UI faults.)
Bitt Faulk