Oh, and the mention of math and independant films in the same post brings to mind "Pi"; another interesting one to see.
I just saw "Pi", and I'll say "Primer" is somewhere in between both "Pi" and "Memento", probably leaning more toward "Pi". The science and filmmaking itself are closer to "Pi", where the "what the heck is going on?" aspect is more reminiscent of "Memento".
As for "Pi" itself, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I was expecting something more obscure, when in the end it a pretty simple story told in a unique way. With all the emphasis I've read about the math in the movie, it was more metaphysical than I expected. Not that that's bad, but I was just expecting some mind-bending math (of course, a movie about solving really complex math equations isn't appealing in the least, so I don't know what I was expecting!) I do have one question though (it's the computer programmer in me):
[Pi spoiler]
How can a 216 letter word map into a 216 digit number? Based on the methods specified in the move (A=1, B=2, etc.) this doesn't seem to work unless the number is taken from the first 9 letters of the alphabet.
[/Pi spoiler]
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.