I cannot imagine watching a movie more than once that was so obtusely made that I couldn't understand it

I think I understand your point. One of my friends only sees movies that are simple and "fun" and require no real thought. Of course, that means that I think he sees largely terrible movies.

The problem with this is that the movies aren't made obtusely; they're made densely. (I know nothing about Primer, though I do intend to watch it.) It's not so much a question of not being able to understand it (unless you're a moron or not paying attention), or even enjoy it, but that the movie is so fully packed with information that there's so much more nuance that can be obtained watching it again and again, and much of that nuance can color the film in ways you didn't even begin to see the first time around. Sometimes when you know the plot well enough, you start watching the background, or the characters not talking, and so many more things can be found there.

I'd have thought you, as a classical music fan, would have understood that. A similar mindset goes into its appreciation as well.
Bitt Faulk