If you'll look, you'll find people who insist that that Corvette was red. (And they had three different ones, too, IIRC. One for each season of the show.)

Forgive us, I think my household only had a black-and-white TV until 1968-1969 (and, looking back, all episodes of Route 66 were B&W). Now I wouldn't insist it was a red 'vette, but I did have that impression, maybe because my cousin's hubbie had a white-on-red '63 (just like Buzz and Todd!) that he kept until just a few years ago. Looks like at least some of the show cars were blue, and, yes, a new one every season, IIRC. Great advertising.

Of course, didn't Mr. Maharis's career go down the tubes due to some sexual impropriety?

Don't know. Some web pages say he left R66 due to "hepatitis". I didn't actively follow his career after about, oh, 1964!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.