..after a worriesome day..

Oh yeah. More on that:

Many of you may remember that I regularly get searched at USA airports due to some computer database flagging me for special attention.. well, apparently this database has been adopted by the Aussies now too, and it was denying me entry to Australia today..

And being Sunday here in Canada, all of the contact numbers are "closed", since diplomats appear to work mon-fri 9-5, like bankers.

But it is Monday in Australia, and the nice "Leads agent" at YVR telephoned them on my behalf, and explained that I wasn't as bad a guy as the database might think. Now cleared for travel over the Pacific (whew!).

His advice to me: change how my name appears on my passport. That's the first time someone has given me a concrete tip as to how to escape from travel hell!

Of course I only just renewed my passport , in hope that the old one might have been the trouble, but no.. it's my name. Perhaps I'll legally change it to "Hijack Guru". That should fix it!

Or go back 20 years in time and start including my middle name again..
