YES. It gets too hot to touch if you are doing disk or processor intensive tasks, especially while plugged in.

If everything you need done can be done in the Mac world and heat or price isn't a problem go Mac.

Heat was a deal breaker for me. I like to kick back in the lazy-boy with my laptop. The last couple of machines I've had were burners. (wallstreet and KDS pos) I would have liked to buy Apple. As mentioned earlier, "They just work!"

Working temp ins't listed in any spec or review I've ever seen. I finally realized that heat output corralates with watts consumed. The power supply of my current machine is rated at 45 watts. Plugged in running full blast, it only gets warm. Plugged in idling like now, it's only slightly warm. I love that.

FWIW: World Wind seems to be good software to heat stress a laptop.

I really wonder about apple's heat output. I have a Wallstreet at both home and at work. Identical machines. The work machine dosen't get hot. Not like the home machine. I've always suspected that the home machine has some kind of short working through the emi coatings.