feckless oik

Yeah. I am slightly wary of Scan (though I still buy stuff from them). I ordered some very specific IBM 18GB SCSI disks from them at one point.

The drives that turned up where labelled with the same model number as the disks I had asked for. However when I came to use them a month later I discovered that they weren't even made by IBM, but had be rebranded by IBM as IBM disks.

Unfortnately they were a few hundred kilobytes smaller than the IBM model they were pretending to me, which made them useless to me as I was trying to extend an existing RAID5 array.

When I tried to send them back they insisted that I needed to tell them about problems like this within two weeks of purchasing. So the two disks are still sitting on the shelf waiting for when I rebuild the array.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday