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I was stopped at a red light on a clear day (today) in my VW Jetta when WHAM! I was rear ended by a 1 ton pickup truck.

The empeg popped out of the sled and ended up on the floor, it was playing at the time. After everyone was checked out and was OK I popped the empeg back in and it lit right back up.

So in Tony's world, the accident would have caused the empeg to be pushed into the dash a bit :-P

Glad to hear you and the empeg survived ok though.

Interesting though, that the person who rear-ends someone else is always at fault. Here in Colorado, thats not the case. (And for a good reason too). Last January I was riding with a friend back from Denver in a nasty snow storm. It was a warmer day, so all the initial snow hit the ground and melted quickly. This over time turned into slush, then frozen ice. The ice would be in the form of the tire tracks left on the slush, thus creating tracks in the road. Anyhow, the guy in front of us started to slam on his breaks to avoid a crash in front of him that was happening. My friend did the same, but it quickly turned into a skid. All attempts to exit the lane into the other one or the median failed, and we rammed the guy going about 20mph. (Traffic was going at 30mph). This gave us the force we needed to excape the tracks into the median, while pushing the guy we hit into the right lane and about a block further. We were probably at least twice the normal distance from the guy and still couldn't avoid it. And no fault was assigned in the incident.