I do have pictures but unfortunately I don't have time to get them posted.
There is a picture of a Golf install in the installation section.

The Empeg fits perfectly. The sled is a tight squeeze and as pointed out in the FAQ section the ignition sense and the battery power wires are reversed.

I have a whole write up in the installation section, you can search my posts to find it.

As for the 100% at fault thing from being hit in the rear. I feel that in 97.5% of the cases it's a good thing. I had a friend rear end someone at a merge when the person in front started to pull away, but then slammed their breaks on. My friend looking back on to the main road to see when he was clear. Ran into her as he expected she was gone.

I did attach a picture of the damage.

23536-crash.JPG (139 downloads)

___ John Turner "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"