The RAZR is very, very tempting. The devil on one shoulder says I should get a RAZR because the new family car (shudder) is likely to be an Acura TL, which has all kinds of nifty Bluetooth support and the touch stainless steel construction. Gotta have a Bluetooth phone, right? If you get it with a Cingular plan, it's $500. Getting the phone unlocked from GSM Phone Source is $650. Ouch. Prices will probably go down in the spring. I probably need to go to a Cingular store and play with the RAZR in person. I want to see how well-built it is.

The devil on the other shoulder says that I want a Treo 650. Synchronization with Outlook on my PC is one of the key features of my current phone that I would want, and the Treo isn't a tank like all the other PDA phones.

The angel sitting in the middle points out that my Nokia 5100 is still a perfectly good phone, and does a great job of withstanding abuse. I can buy a Nokia Bluetooth adapter for the phone that will at least let the Acura act as a headset for the phone, even if it can't dial the phone or display the incoming phone numbers. Also, I really like the Nokia UI. This might lead me to a Nokia 6230 ($390 unlocked, good GUI, supports Bluetooth, but not quad-band, and not ruggedized).

Maybe I just need to sell my left kidney and get a Vertu.