Well, if the US government must allow anyone to own a gun. Why are you surprised?

There are actually restrictions, and they vary state to state.

But gun ownership isn't the whole picture. I grew up in a house with serveral guns, own a bunch of them now (inherited), and I carry a concealed weapon around the Bronx every day (you know, where we shoot at each other in the streets every day for entertainment, or so the rest of the world thinks), which was not an easy permit to get, I had to have some rather "important" strings pulled to get one (I'd rather not, but some piece of subhuman filth of a jesus freak has decided to threaten myself and my parents for our political beliefs). I live with someone who's job involved wearing a kevlar vest to work and carrying a gun. I've had mental health problems, and learned how to shoot at a young age. As have many other people I know.

Why in the fsck has it not occured to any of us to do something like this, much less actually go ahead with the idea? A universal gun ban ain't gonna fix it.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony