Following that logic, one could argue that the gun situation in the US is intended to make people feel less safe.

The matter of fact is that virtually any political move in this area (and most others), be it banning of all guns, removing the restriction on assault rifles, forming the DHS and appointing a 'tough cop' as its boss, putting air marshals on board airplanes or declaring they are not needed, you name it, almost every such move is about appearance. It is appearance, how the voters feel, not the actual situation, what wins elections.

Speaking of gun ownership and prevalence of crimes commited using them, the correlation is far from simple. I cannot find the source now, but I remember reading about a study comparing the two, and finding some countries (I think one of them was Canada) with similar gun ownership 'penetration' as in USA, but with fewer violent crimes per capita by far.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue