Short of it: Plannning to write some software that will run on an ARM-based device running Linux. Also planing to write some software that will run on a standard x86 Windows machine, PowerPC Mac OS X machine and x86 Linux machine. This will be GUI-based and likely using a common GUI framework (probably using
wxWidgets ).
We're looking at (obviously?) purchasing an ARM development kit, perhaps from Motorola. However, in the meantime, we'd like to start on some code and possibly (partially) test it using some other linux device. The issue here is that we're in the process of deciding what development hardware we'll need and what platform and tools to invest in (Metrowerks for instance). But we'd like to get started on code right away, because there's a fair amount of development to do.
Anyway, This can either be an emulator of some sort to run under Windows or x86 Linux or (preferably) Mac OS X. I was also thinking that it might be possible to run some portions of code on an empeg (I've got a spare) and/or one of the NAS boxes mentioned recently in another thread (a Kurobox/Linkstation). Or even some handheld running Linux I suppose.
I know people here develop all kinds of software on a multitude of platforms, so I'm looking for some advice. And from past experience I suspectt there will be a number of varried opinions.
