I wouldn't mind paying Tivo the $13 dollars a month instead of paying DirecTV $5 a month if Tivo ended up supporting the DirecTivo users at some point. It seems like all of the new features that DirecTV is going to put into their new boxes (at least the tempting features) are already offered by Tivo on their stand alone recorders.

Among all the panic over at the Tivo boards, I don't see any reason that Tivo (or other companies) wouldn't be allowed to make their own branded DirecTV receivers with Tivo built in. DirecTV receivers are already made by quite a few different companies, I don't see what'd make them stop or why they couldn't add Tivo to it.

I was shocked to hear that Tivo only has 3 million subscrbors and that 2 million of those are from DirecTV! DirecTV was getting quite a good deal being able to offer those services to it's customers for such a low fee (less than the $5 customers paid).
Brad B.