Does the player work normally with any existing music?

Yes it does...


a) try doing a hyperterminal capture of the console while the sync is happening to see if there are any error messages?

Hmm just tried and it worked fine.... it's a different cable though, so I'm wondering if the previous one was faulty.


b) try doing a sync with USB to eliminate ethernet as an issue?

Ok, well USB started off working.... then bombed...emplode crashed as before...this time the empeg powerd down to flashing led, but would not turn on when button pressed... I'm guessing that because it went into bash rather than the player.

e2fsck 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
ext2fs_check_if_mount: No such file or directory while determining whether /dev/hda4 is mounted.
e2fsck 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
ext2fs_check_if_mount: No such file or directory while determining whether /dev/hdc4 is mounted.
. server_protocol_handler.cpp:1386:Timeout during synchronise, restarting player
[21] player: old system call.
Function entered at [<0208dd38>] from [<0205ef70>]
r10 = 02153EC4 r9 = 00000000 r8 = BDFFFD20 r7 = 021A0964
r6 = 021A08F8 r5 = 00000000 r4 = 021A0940
Function entered at [<0205eed8>] from [<02069664>]
r10 = 02153EC4 r9 = BDFFFD0C r8 = BDFFFD20 r7 = 02154070
r6 = 0216BF6C r5 = 00000000 r4 = 0216BEC8
Function entered at [<020695d4>] from [<02066628>]
r7 = BDFFFD1C r6 = 02153DE8 r5 = 02154070 r4 = 02153DE8
Function entered at [<020665cc>] from [<02066db0>]
r5 = 02153EC4 r4 = 02153DE8
Function entered at [<02066d84>] from [<020670cc>]
r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<02066e90>] from [<02066de8>]
r10 = 020AD438 r9 = 02153DE8 r8 = 0000340E r7 = 00000080
r6 = 0000000E r5 = 02153DE8 r4 = BDFFFD64
Function entered at [<02066dd8>] from [<020ad4f0>]
Function entered at [<020ad438>] from [<020b4824>]
r5 = 02153E00 r4 = BDFFFE40
Function entered at [<020b475c>] from [<020e9bbc>]
r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<020e8330>] from [<020b45a0>]
r8 = 021573B4 r7 = 021573A0 r6 = 020AD438 r5 = 00000007
r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<020b44f0>] from [<020e9bbc>]
r5 = 00000000 r4 = 00000000
Function entered at [<bffffcbc>] from [<021af9d8>]
Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
Abnormal player termination
Player received signal 4
Starting player
player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00 2003/04/01.
! tags.cpp : 61:Failed to open tags (0xc0041002).
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Mar 26 2003
Vcb: 0x4086d000


c) diable any and all third party software that may have an open file on the player - making it so emplode cannot dismount

the filesystems.

At present it is the pure developer image on there...


d) do a manual disk check to eliminate that as the source of any problem?

Done.... after the above.... will try again tonight
MK II, (Blue but should be Amber) SN: 118