Ummm, it won't be very simple. Empeg disk is 'Linux disk' (meaning that partitions are ext2, understood by Linux, but not Windows). If you connect it to Linux machine, youwill see several small and one large partition. The large one has lots of files, all having a hex number as a name. Those ending in '0' are mp3's, those with '1' contain plain ASCII metadata ('properties', like author etc). Playlists are similarly represented; they simplycontain a list od members. Database is also somewhere there, but it is in propriatery format and it is unlikely you will be able to do anything with it.

Others will correct me and expand on this, but I am going to bed now. It is 5 AM here
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue