I've been away from the bbs for a while and doubt I'll ever catch up on everything I've missed...
My current project is my
carputer Basically, it's small PC in the trunk with WiFi, a GPS and ethernet to the empeg. Without a screen, I'll be needing the empeg for audio feedback. Some of the feedback can be pre-built wav files (along the line of TTSclock), but for other things, I'll need full TTS (e.g. reading news headlines or my email to me. So that'll get me working on TTSd again and I hope to finish up the next couple simple steps of making a single binary that doesn't need a shell script to run (really shouldn't be too bad, the hard part is already done).
In the mean time, the download links for the same old versions of TTSD have changed. They're now:
TTSD 1.0a1 TTSD 1.0a2TTSD 1.0a3If someone does oraganize a central download page, please grab the files from the above and mirror them... I don't have good upstream bandwidth