OMG you guys are nuts

I just got around to reading this post, and I can't agree more with Rob. I have been repairing electronics items for about 16 years and the worst thing I would hear from customers when I worked a electronics repair shop was "the tape was stuck in this vcr... but I got it out" then they would go on to say "but these things fell out too" and then I would say "oh... well lets see thats the guideposts and some of the drive gears... and this will cost you 3 times more than it would if you had stayed out of it". I would really love to take a stereo or cd player apart and find aluminum foil on the fuses:) Camcorders had to be the best when the customers would bring them in and say they got a stuck tape out then they would give me a bag of smd devices they scraped off the board in the process.
mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons
mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons
mk2a 40gig blue no illumination....yet