I'll check it out with MP3Trim, but do you really think Empeg wants the file to see the cause of the crash?

Good question. As it stands right now, they are about to switch audio decoding engines. The upcoming version 1.1 will no longer use the XAudio engine that's currently being used.

With 1.0x, they have little control over how the engine handles the file, as XAudio is just a black box. The best they could do is to somehow pre-qualify the file at Emplode time.

With version 1.1, they will (if I understand correctly) have source-level access to the engine and will be able to make adjustments if necessary.

So my suggestion is: If you have a bad MP3 file that crashes the Empeg, hang on to a backup of that file until version 1.1 comes out. Then try the file on 1.1, and if it doesn't crash the Empeg, then you can toss it. But if it still crashes the Empeg in 1.1, then definitely send it to them because they will be able to do something about it.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris