but will be able to stream video from the main box over a fast ethernet (initially) or wireless (eventually) connection.

I'm really not that keen on the whole wireless everything idea. For one it's got security implications and another is do you really want all that RF floating around your house?? It may or may not be bad for you but I'd prefer to keep it minimal. I've got 802.11g in my house and I'm trying to remove most of it and just use Cat5.

Does NDS already have a presence in the UK?

NDS has it's corporate HQ in the UK and does all the encryption for Sky Digital. It's all owned by Rupert Murdoch anyway. NDS, Sky Digital, DirecTV...

I nearly ended up working for NDS but decided working in central London would be a better long term thing.

Is there any MPEG4 satellite in the UK?

Nope. Still MPEG2 I believe.