Because a lot is being done (Duplication of chorus, Resorting) is done on "reformat" I don't want it to fire everytime.

Understood. How about a hot-key for it, then? Making it slightly easier to fire on command. Preferably something easy to reach in the middle of an edit session, something I can do with my left hand so that I don't have to take my right hand off the mouse.

I don't observe any time drift at all. BUT, I do all the tagging at once, without stopping the track.

And when you play that song back on the empeg, do the lyrics near the end of the song match up? Or are they way off?

I wouldn't understand that the timestamps would drift in Sing mode if I saved them without Pausing/seeking in Edit. Could you confirm this?

No, that's not what I meant.

I'm saying that Edit mode and Sing mode have the same drift. If you edit the song without pausing, then the entire timecounter will slowly drift from reality, in either mode. Since it's the same drift in edit mode and sing mode, they look fine when you preview them in Winamp (assuming you don't stop). The problem happens after you've copied them to the empeg and now they're all messed up.

Let's make an assumption... that the Empeg's time counter is "reality" and that at least some installations of Winamp on some systems have the drift.

Working from that assumption, here's what I observe:

Press play.... click click click click click click... end of song.
Press play... watch the lyrics... They look fine. Because the drift is the same in winamp.
Press play... Lyrics slowly drift during the song until they are fully desynchronized by the end.

Try again:

Press play... click click <pause song> click click <pause song> click click... end of song.
Press play... lyrics look fine all the way out to the end of the song. Each pause "reset" the drift so that things didn't get very far off and my clicks each matched (pretty close) to reality.

See what I'm saying?
Tony Fabris