Yes, I did it all by myself. I first tried to find a recording of a continuous clock, like CHU here in canada, but after 30 minutes and still no resalt , I decided to do it myself. I used Natural Voices and Audition... pretty easy to do, if you consider I hadn't use it before.

So, I'll try to post to winamp forums regarding this issue. We'll see. I will try with a few other players, just to confirm. Not every one on the winamp forum will have an empeg to compare with :-) They might as well say it's an encoder problem...

And about the latest winamp version. I use the version 5 since 5.01 (now running 5.08d) AND I always get the Lite version (free). When I install, I remove the "Agent", the "video support" and "New skin" or whatever it is called. That way, it's like the 2.x: a simple and efficient mp3 player. In fact, I see no valuable addition, beside support for a few IPC calls they added.

Oh, Oh look here

Back in 2002 they had that bug... interesting :-) Any way to use another decoder than in_mp3.dll??


Oh, again

So we're there... I'll continue to look around and see if others have found anything better...