Yes I tried the static IP options as well. Found one problem, was ZoneAlarm was blocking my transmission. I can find the Empeg more easily now with Ethernet.

So I pulled out the ol Airport to give it another try, and somehow I crashed the unit. All I get is a left red light. I have been on the phone with Apple trying to trouble shoot it. They want me to force a reload to the unit of the software. Must have a MAC to do. Well I have an old 7100 with MAC OS 8.6. Well the software finds the Airport in reset mode and says it successfully upgrades the software, but the Airport doesn't reboot. The right light just goes amber. So Apple tech tell me that since It could still be a software problem with the MAC, because Airport software ain't supposed to run on anything below MA OS 9.0.4, I need to try and find another MAC that has more current software or upgrade before we can proceed. I know absolutly no one with a MAC. So, I reluctantly bought a copy of MAC OS 9.0.4 to try and solve the problem. The Airport software still tells me it can't be installed on this computer. So I run the Admin util anyway to force a reload and same things as before. Says it works but doesn't. Anybody ever had to do this to reset an Airport?

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