Sparkomatic... heheheh... I remember that stuff. They used to sell it in all the auto parts stores, K-mart, etc. I agree though, sometimes the old stuff is built WAY better than the new. The FM mod I have now was made in china, and did not look to be all that great quality - although it was $60 and did seem to work fine when I installed it. It's only in the past 6 months that it seems to be "overdriven".

I investigated the input adapters too, but my stereo doesnt have a cd-changer input. The only chrysler/jeep ones that do are tape-only, and I'd like to retain the cd player for those (rare) occasions when someone else needs to play a cd.

I have to say as well, that I listened to the empeg for about 2 hours yesterday and it was just like that week back in 1989 when I got my first CD player and borrowed/begged CDs from anyone just to hear "van halen" or "pink floyd" on CD. It sounded SO much better, clearer, and that's how my empeg now sounds. I actually love my music all over again....

Empeg Mk2a 60G