I know it's not what you're looking for, but I thought I'd just throw it in. Eventually I'm planning on getting a bluetooth PDA for this very reason. I have a Sprint phone and a $15 per month unlimited data plan, and I can use it as a wireless modem if I have a PocketPC PDA with bluetooth. Of course, this seems to only be possible with the SE T608. Boy, that's a lot of hurdles.

I will, however, say that I've had a positive experience with Sprint so far. I had TMobile for two years, I think. I would NOT recommend them. The best reception areas on TMobile have been as good or better on Sprint, and I've been in several places where TMobile gave me ZERO reception, but Sprint gives me FULL reception. That's just poor, if you ask me. I'm not talking about the middle of nowhere, either. I only live 15 minutes outside Washington DC.