what about their upgrade policy. From "empeg Bulletin 15" :
In reply to:

/// Discounts for Existing Clients
/// ------------------------------

We value all of our clients highly, and none more so than those that chose to
purchase a Mark 1 car player. They showed great faith in us by trusting their
money to a company with little history, in return for a Beta Release product.
They have provided great feedback and have helped us to keep focussed on our
customer requirements.

We would like to thank all of our existing clients, and hope that your car
players have brought you many hours of listening (and viewing!) pleasure.

When the Mark 2 is released it will be almost exactly a year since the first
Mark 1 players rolled off the production line. In that time we have implemented
lots of great new features - check out last month's news bulletin for full
details! We know that many of our existing clients will want to own a Mark 2
player, and we are pleased to offer the following discounts:

Discount from retail price (before tax) of 15%
Plus a free FM tuner module (worth approx $75)
Plus a free carry case (worth $26)

We are not offering a trade in - you are free to sell your existing player
privately if you wish to do so.

The discount will be available to original clients that have purchased a Mark
player direct from empeg. If that client has sold their player they can still
take up the offer, or it can be passed on to the subsequent purchaser.

It says the FM-tuner is worth about $75. I hope I don't have to spend $225 for AM as an unused extra feature...

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel