We supplied expected shipping dates (which we fully believed to be accurate) on a number of occassions last year. Through events beyond our control these were proven extremely inaccurate, and I have no intention of tempting fate with another estimate.

I'm quite happy to state what we know for sure, though. The module is being reworked for production by Rio's electronics office in Germany and we expect a new prototype in about two weeks. The module then has to go into production, which is dependent on our contractor and suppliers. We have 200 tuner modules (the module within the module) in stock, which will cover the free tuners for Mk.1 owners who upgraded - no more modules currently exist in the world, however the manufacturer has claimed that stock will become available shortly after we have used the 200 units we already have.

We didn't anticipate it would be this hard to buy in a decent automotive tuner - it almost seems like it would have been faster to design our own from scratch!
