Don't know how flush everyone is after Christmas, giving to disaster aid etc., but as part of my usual yearly self abuse I'm running the Paris marathon in April, and raising money for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - as well as losing some of the unneeded weight I put on over the festive period.
I would be very grateful to anyone who would like to sponsor me:
Online fundraising page Or alternatively, for Comic Relief myself and a colleague from work are intending to climb one mile at the Ratho Adventure Centre. The climb we intend to use is about 100ft (rated hard/severe on the UK grading system - that's about a 6A) so that'll be about 55 climbs. And obviously we'll do something silly like dye our hair red and shave a mohawk into it. I'll get a sponsorship page for that up as well.
[DJ Nicey]
Y'know it's all for charideee, mate
[/DJ Nicey]