Ok, seems the neighboor to the rear of my house is going to try and take me to small claims court over damage to his lawn from drainage issues.
Basicially, I moved in on July 2003. He came to me late that month and informed me of his concern, and said he is working with the builder to have the situation addressed. My house does indeed sit higher on land then his, so drainage will try and enter his yard, due to the simple fact of gravity.
They looked at it, stated everything seems to be fine with the angle of my back yard and such. They put up a silt fence.
Two months later, he came to my door again, acting as if he was going to sue me then for the issues. I basicially discussed it with him, and he backed off, and said something to the extent that he had talked the builders into redoing his lawn. Mind you, this was the same day I remember hearing him argue with the builder while they were onsite inspecting the problem. Aparently this was the agreement they came to, but I found it suprising that he started out the discussion with "Legal action may be taken". I stated at that point once they completed the work, I would have a fence built with logs at the bottom to prevent any further issues. He at that time agreed to pay for half the fence along our property lines.
I didn't hear from him after that. Winter came, spring came, and now this summer, and not a word between us. I got home tonight to hear he came up and threw out the small claims court threat for damage to his lawn and to have my drainage fixed. Mind you, this is now conviently after the warranty on my home has expired. His lawn has never been replaced by the builder. So either they paid him and he did nothing, or they did nothing. I intend to call up my builder tomorrow and find out more. I aslo intend to start collecting documentation from them about this issue.
So, what would be the best way to address this? Mind you, this last time I did not talk directly to him, but aparently he is going to persist every night this weekend until he does. That also means I will not talk to him this weekend since he has 1. never left his number, and 2. goes to bed before I get home from my 12 hour shift on the weekend.
Edited by drakino (07/08/2004 05:08)