Hello all... i'm not sure if this has been done already. I dont think i've seen this yet, so i'll propose the idea and wait to see what ya'll think. Maybe i can get some help from some programmers on this board.

I was thinking about creating a backup util for my empeg. my thoughts are these:

1. I've got about 100 gig of mp3s on my player and i've spent years getting the tags correct. I use my player as my primary music player. I listen in the car, and i stream over HTTP to winamp while at the office via the neet little web page i found here on the bbs. I would be pretty upset if i lost that data.

2. i've got a spare 120 gig firewire drive that i would like to use as the backup.

3. The util would need to do the following:

a FTP the files down from the player to a local folder by clicking the "backup" button. If this was the first time doing a backup, the util would FTP ALL the files from both drives down to a local folder. (might take a few days for large empegs)

b once files are downloaded, and i re-sync or re-backup, i would have the app only find the files that have been changed or added to the player since i last backed up. In other words, any files not on the local pc, transfer. That way, i wont have to re-FTP all the files which takes days.

c. once the files are sync'd, grab the ini file AND run a script to pull the play count and EQ settings from RAM to a file, THEN transfer that file. (i've done it before when upgrading my drive) There is an article about it in the FAQ section. (see this link: from the FAQ section )

I hope that would give me EVERYTHING that i would need to do a full restore WITH the play count, EQ settings, Wendy Filters, etc.

Can anyone add to this concept or help me start building it? I was thinking i could get a friend to help start building something in VP to do the FTP and file compares, but i'm not sure how i can run the RAM-to-file-then-pull-file script to backup the EQ and play counts. My programming expreience is only in ASP (little VP) and Windows only.

Basically, look at that FAQ link and i would want to automate that entire process, but only pull the CHANGED or ADDED files, so it wont take 3 days everytime i want to backup 100 gig.

Any ideas or help would be great.