I know this isn't the help you're looking for - but I was having all sorts of intermitent problems with my Netgear router over the last year. Just weird stuff where something would work, then wouldn't. Print servers, wireless, etc. All buggy. But it was so rare that I never really bothered to track down the problem.

Long story short, I found that Netgear had a firmware update and that fixed everything. Even though the "bug fixes" didn't sound like the problems I was having, I think that the onboard memory was getting goofed up at some point. I know that you checked for a newer version, but if it's a newer product, you may be forced to wait for a new version. It seems the norm now for companies to release buggy products and fix them in firmware releases. My Lite-on Dual Layer DVD burner is a good example. Junk out of the box with certain disks but one firmware update later and it's flawless.
Brad B.