You could make the text the same color as the typical background (for those who haven't changed it), requiring others to highlight in order to read.

For my part:


On a side note, reading comments on IMDB and it is interesting to see people's reactions. There are so many saying the movie was great, but that the ending was lame. Or others saying that there is no real interpretation of the movie- it's just a bunch of impressions.

For my part, it seemed pretty straightforward- not ambiguous at all. While I like that (I like to know what's going on in a movie, or at least have enough clues to figure it out), this was quite surprising to me. Yet it seems there are many people who were confused and still didn't get what happened at the end (Ebert being one of them, apparently- he talks about two interpretations and seems to have missed the fact that Jacob's son died before the war). And the ending is not only not lame, it isn’t really even a twist. It's the natural conclusion to the story that was told.

I think there’s a lot the directory could have done to make this movie much more difficult to understand- that’s why it so surprising to me to read people accusing the movie of having no real plot and just being a jumble of incoherent images.


I did like the movie, and I think Loren makes a good point. I went in expecting to be shocked and bewildered, neither of which happened. If I’d gone in like I did with “Fight Club” (knowing absolutely nothing about the movie at all) I probably would have experienced what many others have.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.