try with dbpoweramp.

I don't want to use dbpoweramp -- 'cos I'm actually doing the piping with a C# app of my own devising. It's just that the equivalent command line results in the same problem.

However, your suggestion does lead me to make the following discovery:

  • If I decode to WAV, and then encode to MP3, without piping anything, then the file is OK (174Kbps).
  • If I pipe the WAV into Lame, and write directly to a file, then the file is OK.
  • If I pipe the WAV into Lame, and use redirection on the output, then the file is broken.
  • If I read the WAV directly into Lame, and use redirection on the output, then the file is broken.

If I use the same command line on my Linux box (same version of Lame), i.e.:

$ lame --preset standard - - < foo.wav > foo.mp3

...then I get the same problem. So, it's a bug in Lame 3.96.1, when the output is redirected...

something wrong with the piping support of windows.

...rather than a bug in Windows.

I guess I could just get my app to make Lame write the output directly, of course, but I'd like to get to the bottom of this.
-- roger