Yeah it is, and has been for quite a while. That the article seem to lay this at Bush's feet is disappointing, as this has been going on for quite a while from all parties. Admittedly Bush has made the problem worse, but this administration is merely the next step in what has been a worsening problem.

I'm afraid it is the nature of our nation to decide the things we can't live without and then buy them whether we can afford them or not. And everyone wants to cut everyone elses programs, but is unwilling to sacrifice their own.

Should we have cut taxes? Probably not. But I think if the Democrats had been in power they'd have likely spent the money somewhere else other than tax breaks- I doubt they would have made any serious dent in our downward spiral of debt. We just don't know how to not spend more money than we have.

It doesn't matter how good the cause is, if we end up running ourselves into the ground then we're all gonna suffer. Such is the fate of democracy, though, right? We can just keep voting ourselves more credit until the whole thing collapses.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.