*Any* memory use by the kernel or other apps affects the player. Period.

But to find out how much additional memory Hijack consumes, one would need to measure free memory just prior to the kernel invoking "init", and compare with a non-Hijack kernel. But of course, not even that is completely accurate, since the web/ftp threads require/use extra memory (about 12KB per thread, I think) when they're in-use, though not otherwise.

Perhaps the best place to display usage would be from a simple ;@EXEC_ONCE app, to be run after all other ;@EXEC lines from config.ini.

To compare that with a non-Hijacked player would be difficult, though. Maybe I can build it into both a Hijack and non-hijack kernel -- a simple printk() to dump out available memory from the same point (just prior to returning to the player from reading config.ini in kernel space).
