When the drive is built, a dedicated swap partition is created. You will not see it in /etc/fstab, but you will get the swap space if you turn on the feature with the swapon command.

But doesn't swapon -a only work for devices marked as swap in fstab (that's what the man page says)? So exactly what swap is being enabled with swapon -a?

If the memory error when doing fsck is down to this then once I get my head around swap I should be ok:-)

> Once running again and at the cmd prompt in HyperTerminal
> 'rw' produces a message saying "mount count exceeded, run
> fsck etc", but it is quick. fsck is simple and quick to do,
> but why would it say that immediately after the fresh install?

I assume you did a number of syncs in order to reload your music. That might account for the number of read/write mounts exceeding the count.

No, this was immediately after disk initialisation with the builder image then installing the developer image. There is NO music on this - yet.

Yes. The mount command basically does a mini-check of the filesystem before doing its business. Edit your "rwm" command to include the nocheck option.
You (or someone else) may have done this previously.

Ah, yes, now I see, it was Roger:-)

I have previously used Roger's Base selection and that of course includes replacement rwm etc. That explains that. Phew, at least my system actually seems to be ok

Thanks for that. Would appreciate some more explanation of swap. How would I turn on swap on both drives?

Also, what owner and group should everything be? I would assume root:root, but I see odd UID and GID numbers, but without chown I can't change them. How does it decide what UID and GID to use? Is there a chown available?