Well, the swap partitions are built with the disk build. They are not included in the fstab. If you look at the root of the player, you will see that there is a symbolic link (/swapfile) that points to the device partition (/dev/hda6). When you do the "swapon -a /swapfile" you add the file (symlink to a full partition) to swapspace. No fstab needed.

In certain extreme cases, even this was not enough space to get through an fsck. Usually only when there were lots of disk problems. In that situation, you can allocate space under another filesystem and add it in the same manner.

I guess doing it this way as opposed to fstab was to only use the swap when absolutely needed, avoiding random disk access while on the road.

As for the mount count, I am not as certain. Perhaps the variable or flag was not cleared from the rebuild. I would not have expected that, though. At least it will clear properly with a final fsck. Perhaps others can comment on why it did not clear. (Unless the disk build actually failed. Then I could understand it.)

For turning swap on for both drives (assuming the partitions and space are available on both drives), you would create a symlink in the root of your player (a one-time action) and attach swap to it when needed, thus:

ln -s ./dev/hdc6 swapfile2 # one time action
swapon -a /swapfile2

As for UID & GID, I never worked to get telnet loaded, so the /etc/password on my player is still original. I do not see a chown as part of the default install, but it may come packaged with telnet. Worst case, you can always grab it from a debian distribution.

Edit: Damn. Too slow...
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs