Apart from the Ep 2 teaser and the fact Pres still had the Strictly Dance Fever studio faded up. I'm really pissed off about that, it sums up the deskilling in the broadcast industry. My letter to Ariel is already has already been emailed.

Okay, I didn't understand a word of that.

Still, the special effects left something to be desired. And I could have done without the burp joke.

Altogether, a passable pilot. Too bad they spent so much time acting like the audience didn't know what was going on. I understand that they're gearing it towards kids who haven't seen Doctor Who before, but it was a little tiring to those of us that have. Well, it was to me, anyway.

I'm also a little disappointed that stories are apparently to be wrapped up in a single 45 minute show instead of getting, usually, four 25-minute episodes. That means that each story will be shorter than the shortest Who stories from times past. I don't think that bodes well. (Also, the 45-minute shows harken back to Colin Baker Doctor Who, not really the implication one wants to give.)

Hopefully next week's will be better.
Bitt Faulk