So, what do you all think about the show now that they are about 1/2 way through the first season, and in general how is it being received over there in it's target audience / region?

I know I'm not in its target region, but I think it's brilliant, best Doctor ever.

Hopefully I can talk about stuff containing spoiler material here?

I thought the Dalek episode was brilliant, watching the normally carefree Doctor completely snap when he first saw the Dalek was just a fantastic bit of acting, totally emmy-worthy, or whatever the British equivalent of that is.

He and Rose totally click, they've got a great chemistry.

The bit where Rose asks him who he is, and he gives her the speech about how he can feel the Earth moving beneath his feet at a thousand miles an hour... Wonderful and chilling and neat.

Wonderful one-liners throughout the series. My favorite so far is: "Lots of planets have a North." Especially how that one gets used as an occasional callback joke.

I'm practicing saying "Fantastic" the way he says it. Back in the old days, we used to count the number of "EEEeeexcellent"s that the bad guys said in Dr. Who episodes. Now I'm going to count the number of "Fantastic"s the Doctor says.

But it totally and utterly sucks in one important way:

WE DON'T GET IT OVER HERE YET, meaning I have to resort to downloading it. Sigh.

Now, mind you, that means I get a decent widescreen 16:9 presentation, in relatively high resolution, so it looks really good on my HDTV. I'm actually seeing it in a lot better quality than I would if it were coming over BBC America.

But still. I'd rather not have to resort to downloading in order to watch the thing. Sigh.
Tony Fabris