Friend of mine has got a C500 too, he really likes it. I also know someone who had an original xda and hated it. He couldn't carry it like a phone for fear of scratching or breaking the touchscreen and couldn't find a suitable case for it without looking like a total spazz every time he tried to use it. Luckily his employer bought it for him to he didn't have the additional shame of having actually spent his own money on it. He now has a separate phone and pda.
I've had my 7650 for two years now, I'll replace it when I find something better that doesn't cost over 100 quid to buy, so far I haven't found one. I can't see the point of blowing 100's of pounds on a phone when most only seem to last a year. The only phone I could see myself having is the C500, but then I would have to let Microsoft back in the house....