Mark, the story is only a dozen or so sentences long and none of us have the facts on it. You're assuming against the police and I'm assuming in favor of them. This is silly - none of us have any facts on this story.

Yes, I think it's bizarre that this man seemed so "suspicious" when the story doesn't say why. To me, he just looks like some dude standing there. I'm guessing we'll know in a day or two the full story. But once he was approached, the story says that he would not respond to the police (we don't know if one non-SWAT officer approached him prior to this or not) and said he would only talk to President Bush. So, I have no idea what prompted people to think he was suspicious (and nor do you because we've all read the same news blurb) but I can see why they were suspicous after they approached him.

Ignoring police, if I wouldn't move from a certain spot somewhere in London while holding two suitcases and demanded to talk to the queen of England, I could see why someone would suspect that I might be crazy.

But the thing is, as of 04/11/05 at 11pm EST, none of the news reports give any specifics on this story. You're assuming this person was just standing there and suddenly had their civil librities violated for no reason and, until we get more details on this, I'm assuming that something must have happened to lead up to this. I don't have any facts on this, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me based on what little we know.

For an event that took upto 2 hours, we have 4 or 5 photos and maybe 100 words writen at a 5th grade reading level. We don't know what happened yet.
Brad B.