Well, I guess I count as one of the peppery types, then.

So, to answer all your questions, in order (sticking mostly local to LA):

1) I wouldn't have a clue about where else. I suppose Jamaica is as good a place as any.

2) Yes.

3) Yes. Unless you only eat at McDonalds. What do you like? Sushi? Italian? Vietnamese? California Fusion? Thai? Mexican? Indian?

4) Yes, unless you're allergic to cats. Of course, if you're allergic to cats, you're still welcome, you'll just need to bring some meds with you. Heck, stay the whole two weeks, if you want -- it's the least I can offer in return for so many hours of your mixes.

5) Well, I suppose it all depends on what you're into. There are, of course, all kinds of live shows. If you like art on a wall, then there's a variety of museums, including the Getty, and LACMA. If you're a Bugs Bunny fan, then there's the La Brea tar pits museum, too (though there's no mention of the Bunny there). (Edit: I forgot to mention, Huntington Gardens is supposed to be spectacular, as well.) The best place for roller coasters near-by is Six Flags, which is about 45 minutes north of LAX. Scenery, I'm not so certain of... ordinarily, it would be pretty brown by the end of June, but we've got a lot of green now, so scenery should still be had (and the mountains don't go anywhere, anyway). There are tons of hikes in the area, from the Santa Monica mountains, which are about 20 minutes away from LAX, to the Southern Sierras, which are a 3 hour drive (which is worth it, IMHO). If you go that far, you can add a whitewater rafting (or kayaking) trip to the itinerary, as well. In between the two, there's a whole bunch of other stuff, as well. I do have a book on SoCal waterfalls (it's no Costa Rica, but we have a few). Heading east will get you to Vegas (of course), or you can stop at Joshua Tree (in the Mohave Desert) for more hiking, and rock climbing, if you're more Lordly inclined. The highest (Mt. Whitney) and lowest (Death Valley) points in the country are about a 5 hour drive from LA, as well. If you actually want to go backpacking, you can rent gear locally, as well. There's the Mt. Wilson observatory near Pasadena, which is open to the public, I think. Of course, with the amount of time you'll be here, you could easily go up the coast -- the drive up PCH from LA to San Francisco is gorgeous -- to check out the scene up there (I believe giant redwoods would count as scenery...). I can also drum up an ice-rink or two, if you want to skate.

6) See above -- if any of those sound like good ideas, feel free to PM.

PS... you'll want a car rental -- public transportation in LA is nearly non-existant, and cabs are insanely expensive.